Thursday, September 1, 2011

On a serious note...

Today's blog is short but very important. Please click and read the article linked below.  Please leave an encouraging comment on the CNN website.  I cannot stress enough how important awareness and knowledge are of these brutalities. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

And now a year later....

My timing both amazes me.  I decide to take another look at this blogging thing only to be reminded that I actually did start a blog - almost EXACTLY one year ago today.  The goal at that time was to keep an accurate journal of our student ministry's first Disney Night of Joy trip (which clearly I did not do).  Of course, I'm known for starting all sorts of admirable projects but the ones I complete are few and far between.  Now that doing this travel thing is my actual job, let's hope and pray I do better!  Here is to a day well spent - meeting goals, serving others and spending time with my Savior.  I will let you know how well I did (at least that's the goal)!


Saturday, August 28, 2010

I'm brand new and already messed up....

I intended for "Blogging Fever" to be the name of this actual blog, not my blog title as a whole.  Oh well.  The longer I look at it, the more it seems to fit.  Andrea E. put the idea of keeping this blog in my head.  I would love to keep it every day that we're at Disney but I'm not holding out a lot of hope that scenario will happen.  I will be tired, no exhausted, every day so I may fall into the bed each night.  We shall see. 

As for now, I can begin by telling you of how busy the 2 weeks before are.  I only came upstairs to work on my spreadsheet and post the information online.  My spread sheet consists of every fundraiser we have done, the money we made, who worked that fundraiser and how much each person made so that I know how much everyone has toward the trip at any given time.  This first year has definitely been a learning year for me organizing a trip like this.  (And I have a feeling there is learning yet to be had on the trip itself.)  Some things I won't do again, some things I'll be more diligent about and some things I'll keep exactly the same.  The spread sheet is one of the latter.  It's been a lifesaver with the money - also a headache.  Hope I can use it next year with a formula, not just a calculator.

I've spent most of my morning working on t-shirts.  My hubby feels that I am putting way too much time into all this but I don't think so.  This is exactly the kind of thing I LOVE to do.  Today I'm working on outlining the letters for the names on the shirts.  Details, details -- but hopefully the end results will be well worth the effort!

I still have to work on the meeting agenda for next week, make a box for breakfast donations, send a note to Joni about the meeting, send a note to everyone about the meeting, finish up my other surprises for everyone's gift bag and make a packing list -- oh and pack.  Whew.  Is that enough??  Nope, almost forgot - got to clean the house. 

OK, that's enough for today.  Have a lovely day -- and leave me comments.